The Futurist -Ep18 - Future of PR 2/3 artwork
The Futurist

The Futurist -Ep18 - Future of PR 2/3

  • S1E18
  • 27:07
  • September 15th 2023

What is the role of PR in promoting corporate messages and brands, and what this would look like in the near future? Remember, the future starts now! Listen now to the new episode of "The Futurist" with Mohamed Aly and his guest speaker Samar Raouf.

The Futurist

Get Ready for the Answers of the Future

Join Mohamed Ali tonight as he dives into the depths of tomorrow's questions. Discover what resilience means in a new way and learn about BOSSLESS and DAO organizations. Tune in every Tuesday, at 9:00 PM to The Futurist on CBR and get ready to be amazed by the answers of the future!

Meet the Hosts

Mohamed Aly avatar
Mohamed Aly
Host - The Futurist Podcast

As a futurist, I believe that the future is totally different than today and extremely different than yesterday .... stay tuned for severe disruption and unexpected major shifts in business models and practices. I'm a researcher who is looking to design a new social business model within the coming Gig-economy !!!