Overcoming the Taboo of Touch Chapter 1 of 3 with Edie Weinstein artwork
The Golden Mic Podcast

Overcoming the Taboo of Touch Chapter 1 of 3 with Edie Weinstein

  • S1E100
  • 35:02
  • September 19th 2022

Podquest and TEDxFaurotPark proudly present...

The Golden Mic Podcast w/ Marc Cordon

Ep. 100 Overcoming the Taboo of Touch Chapter 1 of 3 with Edie Weinstein


"Stories, that's what stories are meant for. They're meant to bring people together..." -Edie Weinstein

Long before giving a TEDx talk, Edie got it.

She grew up being a part of a family. It's probably the reason why she always wanted to feel connected at the expense of her own health.

She became a reverend - one who always wanted people to feel like they are part of something greater than herself.

She founded the Hugmobsters Armed With Love - a serious movement to remind people that they don't have to go through life alone.

And at TEDxFaurotPark, she will be sharing her story about how to create community, collective joy and belonging through acts of kindness, specifically those hugs.

Click here to watch it.

And if you can't score a ticket, this event will also be livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook.

#TEDx #TEDxFaurotPark #thejoyrev #goldenmicpodcast

Enough copy. Listen to Edie's first episode here:


You'll be glad that you did.


For a free podcasting mini-course on how this podcast was created, click here: tips on how to create a podcast like this one, click here.

The Golden Mic Podcast

Welcome to The Golden Mic Podcast where personal growth simply isn't enough. 

Host, Marc Cordon is a positive psych coach, a do-gooder from the island of misfit toys who founded The Joy Revolution. 

Each week, Marc raps with an extraordinary guest doing extraordinary things through their own revolutionary work and takes deep dive into the ups, downs, and all arounds of life. 

Listen now as Marc and his guests provoke and empower you to increase your capacity for joy and inspire you to spark your own revolution to change history for the better. 

Welcome to the most serious happiness podcast in this multi-verse, Welcome to The Golden Mic Podcast!