The Moment of Surrender  Pt 2 w/ Corrie Corrigan artwork
The Golden Mic Podcast

The Moment of Surrender Pt 2 w/ Corrie Corrigan

  • S1E27
  • 1:06:14
  • July 21st 2020


The Moment of Surrender Pt 2 w/ Corrie Corrigan

The lengths that one human will go to for another...

The ability for transformation upon transformation to occur in a human...

The tremendous shift from seeing the world from a subjective myopic viewpoint, step out of one's body, and gaze at the world more objectively...

...ALL THESE THINGS, can't happen without radical gratitude-ing, without nothing less that full belief that pure love is supreme.

This doesn't even scratch the surface on what Corrie covers in the second part of her time on the golden mic.

Previously, Corrie asked, There's Got to Be More to Life than This?

And she received her answer, but not without passing a few trials. 

And because of that, this is not an episode for the faint of we talk about mental health, spirituality, and its intersections.

It is one of completion, graduation, and as many f-bombs as illuminations.

And as any graduate knows Corrie talks about her new challenges, but you'll hear it towards the end - her journey has less (not zero) heaviness and more conviction.

Connect with Corrie now:  

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The Golden Mic Podcast

Welcome to The Golden Mic Podcast where personal growth simply isn't enough. 

Host, Marc Cordon is a positive psych coach, a do-gooder from the island of misfit toys who founded The Joy Revolution. 

Each week, Marc raps with an extraordinary guest doing extraordinary things through their own revolutionary work and takes deep dive into the ups, downs, and all arounds of life. 

Listen now as Marc and his guests provoke and empower you to increase your capacity for joy and inspire you to spark your own revolution to change history for the better. 

Welcome to the most serious happiness podcast in this multi-verse, Welcome to The Golden Mic Podcast!