How a veteran went from 26 Meds Per Day to 1 w/ Toby Miller artwork
The Hard To Kill Podcast with Dave Morrow

How a veteran went from 26 Meds Per Day to 1 w/ Toby Miller

  • S5E181
  • 1:25:55
  • October 6th 2023

Toby Miller is a CAF veteran and advocate for psychedelic therapy for the treatment of PTSD. His handle on Instagram went from @medicatedmohican to @unmedicatedmohican after his powerful experience with ayahuasca.

Listen to his story and learn, first hand, how this could potentially change the game when it comes to healing from psychological trauma.

Welcome to The Hard To Kill Podcast, hosted by army veteran, founder, author, ironman, dad, science teacher and content creator, Dave Morrow. On this podcast you'll hear how to get leaner, fitter and harder to kill and the many lessons to help Dave reach his goal of helping 100k veterans lose 2 million pounds. 

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The Hard To Kill Podcast

Welcome to the world's best Army Veteran podcast. This is the go-to podcast for military, L.E.O. and EMS professionals looking for insights from around the world on fitness, nutrition, mindset and mental health. The goal of this podcast is to help 100k veterans lose 2 million pounds. Welcome aboard.

Hosted by Dave Morrow, a fifteen-year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces.

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Dave Morrow

Welcome to my podcast. The Hard To Kill Podcast has been a labour of love of mine for the last 5 years.

To be honest. I don't know where I'd be without it. It's helped me more than I imagined when I was at my worst.

Now it serves as a means to learn from the best and brightest minds in the health and fitness space.

I hope you gain loads of insights and actionable intel to become the baddest, healthiest MF out there, enabling you to thrive and inspire others.

Train Hard, Fight Easy

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Your support is greatly appreciated. If you're looking for a way to support a veteran owned business who's mission is to help 100k veterans lose 2 million pounds, then you're in the right place. Thank you.