Were The Canadian COVID Mandates Actually A Silent Coup D'État?
- S5E164
- 55:38
- July 5th 2023
This is Hiroshima level explosive news. Did PM Trudeau order the military to impose a mandate in 2021? If so, that would imply that he is usurping the power that is only vested in the sovereign of Canada and that would be King Charles II. And if the Canadian Chief of Defence Staff took that order without telling him to stuff it, that would mean that there is a full blown coup against the Crown and we're no longer a constitutional monarchy.
This is just one piece of a massive scandal that is being unfolded in front of our eyes in Canada. I spoke with Valour Law barrister, Catherine Christensen about here $500M mass tort lawsuit, representing 329 CAF members that were wrongfully dismissed for not having taking the jab.
Follow her non-profit law firm for CAF members and veterans here
There's a LOT to take in this conversation and my head is still spinning. Implications of torture, psychological warfare, massive political corruption and straight up evil is exposed in this must watch episode.
Purchase my book, The Nimble Warrior, on Amazon here.
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Train Hard, Fight Easy
The Hard To Kill Podcast
Welcome to the world's best Army Veteran podcast. This is the go-to podcast for military, L.E.O. and EMS professionals looking for insights from around the world on fitness, nutrition, mindset and mental health. The goal of this podcast is to help 100k veterans lose 2 million pounds. Welcome aboard.
Hosted by Dave Morrow, a fifteen-year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Welcome to my podcast. The Hard To Kill Podcast has been a labour of love of mine for the last 4 years.
To be honest. I don't know where I'd be without it. It's helped me more than I could've possibly imagined when I was at my worst.
Now it serves as a means to learn from the best and brightest minds in the health and fitness space.
I hope you get loads of insights and actionable intel to make you the baddest, healthiest MF out there so you can thrive and inspire others.
Train Hard, Fight Easy
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