A Beautiful Conversation About Death with Sarah Cavanaugh
- S8E39
- 1:02:21
- April 26th 2024
Sarah Cavanaugh believes having conversations about death helps us clear the air and find peace, whether those discussions are in person or in our hearts and minds. Sarah is the founder of Peaceful Exit, a company that explores all aspects of grief and loss. She co-designed a curriculum to open the conversation around the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of death and dying.
She also hosts Peaceful Exit, a podcast that explores life, death and grief. In each episode, she talks with an author who has written extensively on the topic to help us normalize death as part of the human experience, no matter who you are, no matter your politics, spiritual faith or socioeconomic status. Peaceful Exit explores how to radically accept our eventual demise, how to talk about it and even plan for it. But it’s not all doom and gloom – there's joy, meaning and connection to be found in exploring the messiness of death, dying and grief.
Connect with Sarah Cavanaugh, host of the Peaceful Exit podcast:
Website: peacefulexit.net
Podcast: Peaceful Exit
Register for the Tree of Life Conference from the International Doula Life Movement here.
Want to know more about doulas, or connect with others who are doing death doula work? Visit internationaldoulalifemovement.com.
If you’re interested in becoming a certified death doula through IDLM, click here.
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If you have questions about hospice care or need to troubleshoot the care you’re already receiving, book a session with an expert Hospice Navigator at theheartofhospice.com.
Book podcast host Helen Bauer to speak at your event or conference by sending an email to [email protected].
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The Heart of Hospice Podcast
The Heart of Hospice podcast is dedicated to helping personal and professional caregivers who are caring for someone with serious illness. We're here to provide information and education so people can make informed choices about end of life care.