Gabby Jimenez Offers Guidance on Medical Aid in Dying in Her New Book
- S8E25
- 49:22
- January 19th 2024
Hospice nurse and end of life doula Gabby Jimenez of the Hospice Heart shared her thoughts in our great conversation about supporting MAID caregivers, and her new book Dignity Day. Hospice and end of life workers should know what Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) is, regardless of their personal opinion about MAID. If patients and caregivers ask questions, every EOL worker should be able to answer questions and provide resources.
Gabby wrote her new book Dignity Day to respond to the fear and confusion that surround the use of Medical Aid in Dying. Here’s how she describes the book:
“This book is written from my experience as a hospice nurse and as an end of life doula. I have been present for many people who have chosen to do this, and I have seen how difficult and beautiful it can be for everyone involved. This book is designed to offer clarity, remove fear and uncertainty, and give permission to everyone at the bedside to feel whatever they need to feel, but to still stay present for someone they love. I have no intention of trying to change your mind, my intention is to ask that you not walk away. My hope for this book is that it invites healthy conversation, welcomes curiosity, answers some of the big questions, and supports each person by honoring their different thoughts and opinions about it.”
Connect with Gabby Jimenez of The Hospice Heart at thehospiceheart.net.
Purchase a copy of Dignity Day (or one of Gabby’s other books) here.
Needing a speaker for your event or conference? Click here to book Gabby to speak.
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The Heart of Hospice Podcast
The Heart of Hospice podcast is dedicated to helping personal and professional caregivers who are caring for someone with serious illness. We're here to provide information and education so people can make informed choices about end of life care.