What You Need to Know About Creating Connections in Dementia with Music artwork
The Heart of Hospice Podcast

What You Need to Know About Creating Connections in Dementia with Music

  • S8E13
  • 52:17
  • October 27th 2023

Tara Jenkins, founder of Harmony in Dementia, is connecting patients and caregivers with meaningful music one song at a time. As a Board Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC), Tara knows the power of music for reaching those patients dealing with Alzheimer’s and dementia. She knows it takes a team of people to care for someone with dementia, working in harmony to provide quality of life. That’s where the name of her company, Harmony in Dementia, comes in. Tara trains volunteers and caregivers to utilize music in care, and reap those benefits for patients. She teaches that music experiences aren’t universal for everyone, so being aware of the effects of music is very important.

To get started with someone to provide music, Tara recommends asking the patient (person!) what they like. Some people won’t be able to answer, so Tara teaches how to look at the person’s age, what music was popular during their younger years and what area they lived in. A person’s music collection (if you’re caring for them in the home) might tell a lot about the music they enjoy. Even seeing an album cover might connect with a memory. Responses can range from tears to clapping or singing along. It’s important that caregivers be aware of those responses. Music provides choice and expression for those who are dealing with issues related to dementia. Music therapists can help make sense of a patient’s response. 

Find Harmony in Dementia at harmonyindementia.com.

Check out the services that Harmony in Dementia offers here.

Purchase a copy of Tara’s book Music, Memory, and Meaning: How to Effectively Use Music to Connect with Aging Loved Ones here.

Partner with National HME to provide medical equipment for your patients at nationalhme.com.

Looking for a copy of the Odonata Care Plan? Click here to purchase it for yourself or your care agency.  

NEW** - the Odonata Care Plan is now available in SPANISH - purchase it here!! 

Check out the free Care Video tutorials from Odonata founders and hospice nurses Nancy Heyerman and Brenda Kizzire here

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The Heart of Hospice Podcast

The Heart of Hospice podcast is dedicated to helping personal and professional caregivers who are caring for someone with serious illness. We're here to provide information and education so people can make informed choices about end of life care.