Stanford Healthcare Presents a Caregiver's Honest and Powerful Story
- S9E37
- 50:40
- March 14th 2025
With courage and vulnerability, Sheralin Samuels shares her experience as a caregiver for her mom, and their journey through Early Onset Alzheimer’s disease.
Here are a few highlights from this episode, created in partnership with Stanford Health Care:
- Sheralin’s mom Carlys began showing symptoms in 2012, and a definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease wasn’t found until about 10 years later.
- Carlys spent a year in hospice care before she was discharged.
- As a sandwich caregiver, Sheralin cares for her two kids while working a full time job and ensuring her mom’s needs are being met.
- Being a caregiver has impacted Sheralin’s family in numerous ways, affecting family dynamics, relationships, and finances.
- Sheralin knows there's strength in self care. Her self care includes getting outside, enjoying nature, and hiking.
- By creating YouTube videos to help other caregivers, Sheralin is creating meaning from her experience.
Watch Sheralin Taylor’s YouTube videos: @A_Daughters_Journey
You can find more resources and information about palliative care at caringinfo.org and getpalliativecare.org
Connect with our special series sponsor Kensington Senior Living:
Website: https://kensingtonseniorliving.com/
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Information for Jennifer O’Brien
Website: jenniferaobrien.com
Read more about Jennifer O’Brien here.
Purchase your copy of Care Boss by Jennifer O’Brien here.
Buy your copy of The Hospice Doctor’s Widow: An Art Journal of Caregiving and Grief here.
Hospice Navigation Services is here for you. If you have questions about hospice care or need to troubleshoot the care you’re already receiving, book a session with an expert Hospice Navigator at theheartofhospice.com.
Connect with The Heart of Hospice Podcast and host Helen Bauer
Website: theheartofhospice.com
Email: [email protected]
More podcast episodes: The Heart of Hospice Podcast
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The Heart of Hospice Podcast
The Heart of Hospice podcast is dedicated to helping personal and professional caregivers who are caring for someone with serious illness. We're here to provide information and education so people can make informed choices about end of life care.