HIM PE 03 15 2023 DEI Weekly Wrap Up 10: Dr. Susan Maria Smith McKinney Steward: The Ultimate Public Health Healer artwork
The Humanities in Medicine Podcast Experience

HIM PE 03 15 2023 DEI Weekly Wrap Up 10: Dr. Susan Maria Smith McKinney Steward: The Ultimate Public Health Healer

  • 28:56
  • March 27th 2023


My Humanities in Medicine DEI Diversity Equity and Inclusion family,

Dr. Watson here for this week’s Humanities in Medicine DEI Weekly Wrap Up! 


The Humanities in Medicine DEI Weekly Wrap Up:

A weekly tidbit illustrative of the significance and virtues of various findings in the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) arena, occasional healthcare and popular culture literature excerpts, and touches of humor and musicality.

For the Week of 3/15/23: HIM DEI Weekly Wrap Up 10: Dr. Susan Maria Smith McKinney Steward: The Ultimate Public Health Healer


My Humanities in Medicine DEI Diversity Equity and Inclusion family,

Dr. Watson here for this week’s Humanities in Medicine DEI Weekly Wrap Up! 

As the majority of you are well aware, the month of March has been designated Women’s History Month. It is a 31 day chronological EXPANSE in which we are urged to celebrate, reflect upon, and honor the contributions of feminine pioneers and trailblazers from all aspects of life, encompassing a veritable panoply of fields, one tube of Chanel red lipstick, maquillage et coiffure, good body con dress, whalebone corset, and pair of Spanx at a time.

In continuation of the Humanities in Medicine Podcast Experience, this DEI, or diversity, equity and inclusion weekly wrap up is in acknowledgement of the unparalleled life and splendid achievements of Dr. Susan Maria Smith McKinney Steward, the FIRST African-American woman to successfully obtain the doctor of medicine degree in the state of New York, and the THIRD African-American woman to achieve the Doctor of Medicine, or M.D. degree, in history in the United States.


Bob Marley and The Wailers: Buffalo Soldier


Fighting on arrival,

Fighting for survival.

If you know your history,

Then you would know where you’re coming from.


All Humanities in Medicine Podcast Experience episodes illustrate the significance and virtues of the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) concepts of cultural competence and cultural humility with an extensive healthcare literature review, and touches of world culture, humor and musicality.

ALL ages, gender identities, races, nationalities, creeds, religions, and ethnicities worldwide are welcome to enjoy an audio escapist edutainment moment with me, Dr. Watson, the podcast creator, producer, and host.

Join me, Dr. Watson, your Chief Diversity Guru, producer, and host, on this groundbreaking audio revolution for a new episode every month on all major podcast hosting platforms.

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The Humanities in Medicine Podcast Experience

Namaste: and welcome to The Humanities in Medicine Podcast Experience.

I am your host, visionary, and producer: Dr. Watson. Over twenty years ago, I found myself facing a conundrum in my dealings inside the medical community as a medical student, surgical house officer, and later physician. I observed health care inequities at every level, with oftentimes blatantly horrible aberrations being committed against patients and communities of color, or BIPOC. When I voiced my observations and opin...

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To the Humanities in Medicine DEI Diversity, equity, and inclusion family,

Thank you for your worldwide ear hustle and international listening support! 💟 🎧 🌍 🌎

Namaste! 🙏

https://elementary mydearmd.com



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