Ep.21: How Do you Know if the Person you're Training will Compete with You?
- S1E21
- 07:11
- August 25th 2019
Jayson currently has a generic course that is designed to train the next generation of speakers. In these, he teaches a few principles of public speaking.
If he so chooses the people he works with, he will be very particular about the values that they have. People that have the same values as him will be the best ones.
To uncover those things, it takes time and a built relationship. For one day of training, he looks for those who share the same values and people who have a bigger goal in mind.
The public speaking market is big enough for the many public speakers that are sprouting, and are growing thanks to Jayson’s course. The demand is growing—and it helps prevent a condition called speaker’s fatigue.
Speaker’s fatigue happens when a group of people listens to a speaker numerous times—making their talks stale and boring. Even the best speakers are prone to causing this. It’s another hurdle that most speakers have to jump over.
Jayson has made it his mission to make sure that his talks are as unique as they can be. But still, he has acknowledged that companies will not get him all the time, and it’ll be better if you collaborate with other speakers.
When starting out, being a speaker can be relatively hard, especially when it comes to getting new clients. This is why collabpettion or collaborating with your competition is important—specifically for speakers.
By working together, passing referrals, introducing clients, and sharing ideas, speakers not only provide each other with potential work but also help each other grow.
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The Leadership Stack Podcast
This is the podcast for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs to increase your leadership, teamwork, and profits. We have guests from all over the world and all kinds of industries who will tell you how they hire, manage culture, inspire and lead their people.
The Leadership Stack podcast is hosted by Sean Si - serial entrepreneur and author of the books 'CEO at 22' and '50x your Business'. He is the CEO and Founder of SEO Hacker (https://seo-hacker.com) a digital marketing agency in the Philippines that is best-known for their work in the SEO industry.
He has worked with and spoken to numerous companies throughout his career. He has also been invited to speak in international events and conferences.
Meet the Hosts

A sought-after leadership and motivational speaker, what sets Sean apart is that he actually practices what he preaches - and so speaks with great authority. He is the CEO and Founder of SEO Hacker and 4 other companies and has a team of over 50 people (mostly millennials and centennials) in-house.
He has given talks to numerous organizations in the Philippines and abroad. He is also featured in numerous magazines and events in the international digital marketing scene.
Giving talks about leadership, sales, motivation, digital marketing, entrepreneurship and management is something that Sean loves to do. It is a work of passion from the heart and it is his way of paying his success forward to others.