Ep.123: How To Become A Better Public Speaker With Brenden Kumarasamy  artwork
The Leadership Stack Podcast

Ep.123: How To Become A Better Public Speaker With Brenden Kumarasamy

  • S1E123
  • 21:27
  • December 29th 2020


You have done over 900 talks. Presentations, I wonder. And you need to keep on improving daily, right? So 10 hours of podcasts a week, aside from that, what are things that you do daily that affects your improvement in how you deliver talks and in how you craft them? Do you do something every day that just hones you as an individual, as a public speaker? What is it?


Yeah, of course. There's a lot of daily stuff that we can talk about. Here's an easy one that people can implement right after this call. It's called the random word exercise. For the audience's sake, Sean, why don't you just give me a random word?




Augmented. Is that what you said? Okay. You like giving me a complex word.

So what I have to do with this word is I have to create a presentation out of thin air. So here I go.

We always think about getting to the next level, whether it's our business, our lives, our health, our relationships, and the best way to think about that next level is not just about the status quo because the status quo gets us nowhere. But rather how do we augment our lives to a new reality, to a reality that is not like any other. And by augmenting that experience, we'll be able to create the lives that we want, whether it's public speaking skills, our income and our businesses. Or to the relationships that we care about. And that's exactly why in this week's presentation, I'm going to be showing you some of the ways that I've augmented my life so that you can augment yours.

So notice how I just can like made that up out of thin air. First thing I want to point out for people right before Sean's sports club and saying I'm a great speaker is I've done this a thousand times. I literally do this on every podcast I guest in. So I'm forced to practice. So the advice for you is all I'm asking for is five minutes every day, five words, one minute, each go to your house, wherever you already live and just go lamp wife that doesn't like me, laundry teapot door, do one minute each.

And if you're in a public setting, you don't need to do the exercise, but at least think about it mentally. If I'm walking and I see a building, obviously I'm not going to present it, but if I was doing the exercise, what would I say for 60 seconds? And over time, if you do this five times a day, five minutes, a one minute each you do this for the year. That's over 1,800 times that you're doing the exercise. And if you can present something that you have no idea, like I've done this with hippo, like, how am I supposed to help? I don't know anything about hippos. If I can do that. If you can do that with subjects you have no clue, no understanding, no expertise in, imagine what you can do with something you actually know something in.


Wow. That's the first time I've ever heard about that exercise. I'm going to be trying it out. So that is something that you do daily definitely looks like it has helped you tons. And you could do it with the word by the way. That's just top of mind. I don't know why I said that word, but that's top of mind right now. So, that daily routine guys helps Brenden to improve his daily craft.

Maybe you want to start with one word. Maybe want to start with two. That's fine. But if you can go to five words, definitely would fast forward and would help you to catalyze your growth as a public speaker.

The Leadership Stack Podcast

This is the podcast for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs to increase your leadership, teamwork, and profits. We have guests from all over the world and all kinds of industries who will tell you how they hire, manage culture, inspire and lead their people.

The Leadership Stack podcast is hosted by Sean Si - serial entrepreneur and author of the books 'CEO at 22' and '50x your Business'. He is the CEO and Founder of SEO Hacker (https://seo-hacker.com) a digital marketing agency in the Philippines that is best-known for their work in the SEO industry.

He has worked with and spoken to numerous companies throughout his career. He has also been invited to speak in international events and conferences.

Meet the Hosts

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Sean Si

A sought-after leadership and motivational speaker, what sets Sean apart is that he actually practices what he preaches - and so speaks with great authority. He is the CEO and Founder of SEO Hacker and 4 other companies and has a team of over 50 people (mostly millennials and centennials) in-house.

He has given talks to numerous organizations in the Philippines and abroad. He is also featured in numerous magazines and events in the international digital marketing scene.

Giving talks about leadership, sales, motivation, digital marketing, entrepreneurship and management is something that Sean loves to do. It is a work of passion from the heart and it is his way of paying his success forward to others.