I loved this conversation with Carla Crivaro because we talked about how love, authenticity, and non-monogamy is changing these days. People are exploring different ways to create relationships that work for them and their partners rather than following what others say to do.
Bio: Carla Crivaro is a trauma-informed, certified Sex, Love & Relationship Coach who supports people in having delicious sex, profound love, and authentic relationships.
Social Media
- Website: www.carlacrivaro.com
- Instagram: @the.sexuality.sanctuary @the.sister.sanctuary
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carlacrivarocoaching/
- Twitter: Carla Crivaro
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carla-crivaro-6605511a8
The Love Launch
What does love mean to you and how can we experience more of that in our lives? These are the questions that I explore in the Love Launch Podcast. Given all the chaos and uncertainty in the world, and their own hangups, people creating loving relationships is nothing short of a miracle and a triumph. I'm talking with experts, entrepreneurs, creatives, and everyday people about stories about does and doesn't work for creating relationships that work and are truly high-value.