How Free Stimulus Money Hurts Your Business artwork
The Complete Man

How Free Stimulus Money Hurts Your Business

  • 21:09
  • March 29th 2021

There's been a lot of talk about getting help to struggling business owners over the last twelve months. This week, we look at how Canada and America both went about trying to accomplish this task.

Some things worked. Others didn't. And some things went terribly wrong.

What can we learn from all this? And what can you do to help your business thrive in the next economic downturn/crisis?

We'll cover that, and:

  • How technology and convenience are making our lives harder
  • Why "free money" from the government might be bad for your business
  • How some lawyers turned stimulus checks into corporate welfare
  • What roles government should and shouldn't play in economic turmoil
  • One kind of business that should not have been given stimulus checks
  • Why free money can actually hurt some people in need
  • One way that family impacts your outcomes in life
  • The truth about our education system and one way it fails us all
  • The biggest reason most business owners stumble around in the dark
  • One great way to set your kids up for success in life
  • The real reason why the education system might not be around for much longer
  • Why being "irreplaceable" at work is actually working against you
  • And a lot more

All in this week's episode.

Listen now.

The Complete Man Podcast with Purdeep Sangha

Are you a CEO, business owner, entrepreneur or executive? Then this is the podcast for you.

The Complete Man podcast is for men seeking more than just financial success in life.

Topics include entrepreneurship, leadership, strategy, marketing, operations, family dynamics, wealth management, buy and selling, mergers and acquisitions and much more. If you own a startup, small business, a larger family enterprise, or lead a public company, this podcast is for you!

Build a healthy business. Live a good life. Make a positive impact on the world. That's what being a Complete Man is all about.

Hosted by award-winning author, Purdeep Sangha.