The Trap Of "DIY" Culture - Toxic Ego & Martyr Syndrome artwork
The Modern Music Creator Podcast

The Trap Of "DIY" Culture - Toxic Ego & Martyr Syndrome

  • E68
  • 23:41
  • March 16th 2020

DIY Culture is incredible, but it has a massive dark side that isn’t discussed nearly enough - The Toxic Ego inflation and elitism that comes with the DIY scene. 

Being able to create on your own is AMAZING, and something I’m doing right now to get this episode to you. But do you know that person who is grinding 24/7 and constantly complains they are the only one working hard for their dream, and that’s why they’re failing? If ONLY they could get some help they’d excel but alas, they are the starving artist and they will die on their sword because the world is against them!!’

Sounds fishy. Sounds like someone is deflecting responsibility...

Let’s examine WHY these mindsets approach and avoid becoming the DIY Martyr! 

The Modern Music Creator Podcast

Welcome to The Modern Music Creator Podcast! We bring practical and actionable information to help you make great music and content, creating something that forms a true connection. I’m your host John McLucas, a pop music producer and content creator out of Los Angeles, California. 

Each episode you’ll walk away with something actionable to make you a better musician, artist, and content creator. Excited to have you here!

Weekly episodes every Monday morning. 

Let’s get out there, work hard, and make something truly amazing.