Why Picking a “Niche” Is Stupid & Brilliant At The Same Time artwork
The Modern Music Creator Podcast

Why Picking a “Niche” Is Stupid & Brilliant At The Same Time

  • S3E91
  • 21:22
  • February 1st 2021

It's going to take time before you find your "niche" in clients. The one thing that I always see a lot of freelancers do is immediately pick one area of their profession and ONLY focus on that.

For example, someone who does Music Production but ONLY works with Trap artists. and won't work with anyone else. While yes, you found the group of people you want to work for but how many opportunities did you just miss out on by shutting everyone else out?

I go over the "external specialist, internal generalist" approach to picking a niche.

The Modern Music Creator Podcast

Welcome to The Modern Music Creator Podcast! We bring practical and actionable information to help you make great music and content, creating something that forms a true connection. I’m your host John McLucas, a pop music producer and content creator out of Los Angeles, California. 

Each episode you’ll walk away with something actionable to make you a better musician, artist, and content creator. Excited to have you here!

Weekly episodes every Monday morning. 

Let’s get out there, work hard, and make something truly amazing.