Sean Hamel- Grow Practice Grow artwork
The Nifty Thrifty Dentists

Sean Hamel- Grow Practice Grow

  • 40:11
  • April 13th 2020

Sean Hamel is CEO of Grow Practice Grow, a marketing company created out of a need in dentistry. They do websites, SEO and strategic marketing. As a past professional musician, he learned the importance of branding themselves by doing things outside the box. It comes down to building relationships.

Because of the mass closures, it will be a bit like starting up all over again. Doing things with intention and the aim of making personal connections can really set you apart.

Lesson #1 from Tiger King- Be Authentically You- Everyone owns their own personality even though they are all very different. There are lots of different people in dentistry, so use who you are to attract the patients you want.

How do we motivate our patients to come back? Try explaining your sanitation protocols, maybe switch to single-use tools temporarily to give them extra peace of mind. Give them warm fuzzies by going above and beyond for your patients. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on video production, just make a video on your phone and build your connection.

Lesson #2- Don’t Focus on Your Competition- Paying attention to what everyone else is doing can cause you to lose your focus and hurt your business. There are a lot of things that happen behind the scenes that you may not see. Use what is unique about you and stay in your own strengths. Profit comes from giving quality service.

Lesson #3- Never Lose Sight of Why You Started- If you start focusing on the wrong things, you will lose sight of what really matters. Taking care of people in your best way keeps you true to your mission. Work backward from your ultimate goal so you can break it down to what really matters to you.

When you were a musician, why did you do it? He was fortunate to hit all 3 of these points, but despite playing stadiums, he wasn’t happy because he lost focus and wore himself down. When he came to that realization, he found his new trajectory.

The Nifty Thrifty Dentists

Dr. Glenn Vo and Dr. Vinh Nguyen are the original "Odd Couple" of Dentistry - they are neither partners in practice or in bed. Just the dynamic duo behind one of the most entertaining Dental Podcasts in the World. Let's face it. Being a Dental Professional is hard. Heck, life in general is hard. Leave reality for a moment and join us in this podcast whirlwind of interesting guests, funny jokes, and thought provoking banter.