Crazy Dental- Supply Updates from Behind the Scenes artwork
The Nifty Thrifty Dentists

Crazy Dental- Supply Updates from Behind the Scenes

  • 33:12
  • April 23rd 2020

Jay Glazer, Shira Friedman, and Howie Friedman are from Crazy Dental

Besides hoarding, why are we having supply issues? Are they getting better? Our first problem was masks because they are mostly produced overseas. Those countries kept them for themselves. Gowns may have a material shortage that affects production. Right now they are confident in their supply for K95 masks and gloves. They feel these are short term shortages that should resolve in the next few months.

Do you feel there will be shortages on other things? We are well stocked on the majority of products aside from PPE or certain instruments may be a bit slower to arrive. In addition, they can ship straight to your house if necessary.

For the products they are offering, they vetted the effectiveness and quality to make sure it was consistent with what they offer.

To join go straight to their website and create an account at

For standard masks, they are working to get everything they can, as the shortage has limited orders.

Nifty deal: Take an extra 10% off with the code PLATINUM10

Orders over $1000 also receive a free curing light


Send them your typical order from other companies with numbers and they will upload it with their corresponding product numbers that will show as a list on your account for easy ordering!

The Nifty Thrifty Dentists

Dr. Glenn Vo and Dr. Vinh Nguyen are the original "Odd Couple" of Dentistry - they are neither partners in practice or in bed. Just the dynamic duo behind one of the most entertaining Dental Podcasts in the World. Let's face it. Being a Dental Professional is hard. Heck, life in general is hard. Leave reality for a moment and join us in this podcast whirlwind of interesting guests, funny jokes, and thought provoking banter.