Nifty Deals- Jay Glazer -Crazy Dental artwork
The Nifty Thrifty Dentists

Nifty Deals- Jay Glazer -Crazy Dental

  • 17:50
  • November 10th 2019

Crazy Dental is bringing lots of new products such as luxacrown, which is a high-end temporary material, Nifty Price $276.30. Young Infinity Cordless Handpiece with Bluetooth with the Nifty Discount is $643.36. It comes with foot pedal, handpiece cradle, 3 nosecones, and 25 disposable sleeves. It can also accept any prophy angle, which will save you time and money! FujiSEM Evolve is a new product that can be seen even better under a curing light. Itenna composite and temp are on special for Buy One Get One Free! When you order for the first time, you will get the monthly newsletter with the latest products and promotions. Want tickets to a bowl game? Ask them what it would take to get tickets with your deal. Now that’s crazy. They have a 110% guarantee that their prices are the lowest in the industry. The winner is Missouri City Dentistry in Missouri City, Texas and Dr. Natalie Hun! Congratulations on your $1000 reward toward travel. Gobble Gobble Deal: Any $1000 order and above placed from now through the end of Nov 19th will be entered to win a $500 Thanksgiving dinner and/or entertainment package. We will pick two winners at $500 each. It can be used for your yummy Thanksgiving dinner or a brand-new TV so you can watch your Football in style. Do not forget to enter your Nifty Thrifty codes when you order at This deal does not exclude your always 10% discount and free curing light for orders over 1k. Coupon code "Platinum10" gets you 10% off and code "Platinumlight" gets you your free light for you 1k order, nor does this affect our 110% match for authorized dealers guarantee. 

The Nifty Thrifty Dentists

Dr. Glenn Vo and Dr. Vinh Nguyen are the original "Odd Couple" of Dentistry - they are neither partners in practice or in bed. Just the dynamic duo behind one of the most entertaining Dental Podcasts in the World. Let's face it. Being a Dental Professional is hard. Heck, life in general is hard. Leave reality for a moment and join us in this podcast whirlwind of interesting guests, funny jokes, and thought provoking banter.