Quantumania MOVIE REVIEW by ShaneB + Tyne Daly + Lee Majors + Parmount Plus Shortcomings + Marvel Comic Book talk +
- S1E135
- 2:33:20
- February 23rd 2023
PLEASE HEAD TO FISTFULOFRADIO.COM to hear our shows. That's " FistFulOfRadio dot com ."
LIVE! PodBlast LIVE! (Part 2 of 2 that covers Ant Man & the Wasp 3: Quantumania & the launch of Phase 5 of the MCU +Silver Age Marvel Comics on display + Ant Man & the Wasp Quantumania MOVIE REVIEW with Shane B + Tyne Daly + Lee Majors
***** PLUS, a silver age comic book show & tell & more! *****
#fun #antmanandthewaspquantumania #antmanandthewaspquantumaniareview #spoilers #moviereview #kang #kangtheconquerer #comicbooks #comicbookcollection #avengers #mcu #mcuphase5 #phase5 #Avengers10 #jonathanmajors #dvd #Tynedaly #history #popculturepodcast #sciencefiction #scifigeek #scifitv #metv #livepodcast #raquelwelch #SciFiSaturdayNightMeTV #mcu #marvel #marvelcomics #tubitv #NostalgicTVClicheoftheWeek
#livepodcast #atlanta #showbusiness #media #entertainmentindustry #RemindMagazine #atlantageorgia #georgia #news #educational #education #thenostalgicpodblast #chancebartels #jefflogan #ShaneB
(Originally produced LIVE on Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023)
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Streaming Saturdays & Sundays 2-8pm eastern time on FISTFULOFRADIO.COM and shows are archived on that website. Search NOSTALGIC PODBLAST or THE NOSTALGIC PODBLAST on Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud, Apple, TuneIn, etc. or on this very YOUTUBE channel NOSTALGIC PODBLAST on video. Enjoy ! ~
The Nostalgic Podblast
A Nostalgic visit to YOUR PAST ! From Television to Radio to films and everything you can think of from days gone by! ENJOY and visit often for PODBLASTS ! LIVE Friday nights at 7:30 PM eastern time on THE NOSTALGIC PODBLAST Youtube channel, Facebook , Twitter & Twitch then on FistfulofRadio out of Atlanta Saturday & Sunday at 2PM eastern time. To stream, go to FistfulorRadio.com and click the "play" button.
Meet the Hosts
Host Chance Bartels is a student of pop culture for decades who specializes in the history of comic books, music, film and books. Some episodes of "The Nostalgic Podblast" feature guests such as authors, directors, actors and artists amongst the clips and collective memories that we all share about things that we love.
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Please contribute via Paypal to [email protected] so that the show will continue and additional guests YOU WANT TO LISTEN TO will be booked for LIVE interviews. Your charitable contribution is appreciated and will be mentioned on the air, if acceptable to you.