The Patty Duke Show + Lost Game Show footage with Patty + Tina Turner + Best Burger place + Return of the Jedi 40th +
- S1E142
- 6:23:41
- May 27th 2023
VIDEO (YOUTUBE) LINK of this LIVE BROADCAST: History of The Patty Duke Show + Lost Game Show footage with Patty + Tina Turner + Best Burger place - YouTube
PodBlast LIVE! Saturday, 5-27-23: History of The Patty Duke Show + Lost Game Show footage with Patty + Tina Turner + Best Burger place & MUCH MORE!
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CORRECTION: The Syndicated TV version of "The Christmas Present" has the 4th wall breaking moment by Patty Duke cut the way I described. The DVD has it intact, but it is cut down on DVD....the announcement "The Patty Duke Show Has Been Brought to you by..." that I play from my 16mm film clip in this Podblast at the 1:43:40 mark in this video is indeed cut from the DVD, but not as much as I thought. My mistake was comparing to a syndicated clip that I thought was a DVD clip. Doh!
Also, I forgot to mention that singer KIM CARNES ("Betty Davis Eyes") appeared on "The Patty Duke Show" as the wife of JAMES BROLIN in a season 3 episode titled "Patty Meets the Great Outdoors" from Wednesday, December 8th, 1965 on ABC TV (episode 3.13) and that The Patty Duke Show episodes as presented on the Shout Factory! DVDs are here on Youtube (unofficial streams). Forgot to mention Marcia Strassman appeared on the show a couple of times.
NOTE: @ the 1:36:51 mark is the 1st alternate aired version of "The Patty Duke Show" opening theme song "Cousins."
NOTE: @ 1:51:23 mark is the 1st time Patty Duke sang from "The Patty Duke Show" episode #13 in ABC aired order titled "The Songwriters" from Wednesday, December 11th, 1963 at 8 pm.
NOTE: @ 2:36:32 mark is the rare second season opening "Patty Duke Show" theme song (only used once on the air) from episode 2.4 "The Organizer."
NOTE: @ 2:40:28 mark is the second season closing "Patty Duke Show" theme song.
NOTE: @ 3:46:41 is Patty being introduced before singing "Please Don't Just Stand There"" on "Shindig" in June, 1965.
NOTE: @ 4:09:16 is Patty's most sultry song she ever sang.
NOTE: @ 4:28:15 J. Williams and Patty Duke merge.
NOTE: @ 4:48:11 is GAME SHOW material.
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(Originally produced LIVE on Saturday, May 27th, 2023)
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Host Chance Bartels is a student of pop culture for decades who specializes in the history of comic books, music, film and books. Some episodes of "The Nostalgic Podblast" feature guests such as authors, directors, actors and artists amongst the clips and collective memories that we all share about things that we love.
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