Mastering the Triad: Acquisition, Monetization, & Retention with Diogo Ribeiro Novaes artwork
Product Team Success

Mastering the Triad: Acquisition, Monetization, & Retention with Diogo Ribeiro Novaes

  • S3E35
  • 29:14
  • October 2nd 2023

Join us in this compelling episode featuring the illustrious Diogo Ribeiro Novaes, the current Vice President Of Product Management at Tractive. Immerse yourself in a rich conversation that is teeming with practical insights, firsthand experience, and actionable strategies focused on acquisition, monetization, and retention.

Ethics in Marketing: A Foundation for Genuine Acquisition

Learn from Diogo’s journey as he underscores the paramount importance of ethical marketing as a cornerstone for genuine customer acquisition. His practical experience highlights the necessity for transparency, fostering a strong foundation for acquiring loyal and satisfied customers.

Monetization Strategies: Balancing Data and Subscriptions

Dive deep into the world of monetization with Diogo. Unearth the secret behind Tractive's sustainable business model which brilliantly balances hardware sales and subscription revenue. Discover the power of an experimentation mindset and consistent A/B testing in optimizing revenue streams, ensuring both immediate and recurring revenue for long-term business success.

Conquering the Retention Challenge in a Hardware-Centric Business

Explore the unique challenges and solutions in retaining users, especially in a hardware-centric industry. Hear Diogo elaborate on Tractive's strategies to keep customers engaged, ensuring they find continuous value in their products, leading to prolonged and valuable customer relationships.

Don’t let this opportunity slip by! Tune in and amplify your understanding of acquisition, monetization, and retention with the unparalleled expertise of Diogo Ribeiro Novaes. Elevate your product management approach with insights from the very pinnacle of the industry!

Don’t Wait - Enhance Your Strategies with Diogo's Expertise Now!

Look forward to more enriching episodes of the Product Team Success Podcast, propelling you towards greater heights in your product management career!

Product Team Success

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