How To Prepare For The Unexpected ft. Mary Beth Simon artwork
Productive Therapist Podcast

How To Prepare For The Unexpected ft. Mary Beth Simon

  • E175
  • 34:47
  • December 1st 2023

No one likes to think about a sudden, lifechanging event.

But if the unexpected DID happen, are you prepared?

Would you business be able to continue without you?

How can you prepare your personal, business, and business continuance for a sudden change?

Join me, Uriah Guilford, and my guest, Mary Beth Simon, as we discuss this uncomfortable but vital topic.

Click to listen now!

Productive Therapist Podcast

Essential listening for smart therapists. This podcast will help you get more done, so you can have more fun! Discover the best strategies to grow your practice and help more therapy clients without burning out.