A minute on the hips - stories of hip dysplasia artwork
The Second Shift

A minute on the hips - stories of hip dysplasia

  • E3
  • 59:32
  • September 1st 2021

In this episode of The Second Shift, you hear from my mum (whose social media you don't need!), Dr Pranai Buddhev @Pranai_B, and my colleague Katherine Walker @chirpycakes

Pranai also has a current podcast @thekidsbonedoc and a planned podcast called @paedipod

The International Hip Dysplasia Institute is a good source, and we discussed hip-safe swaddling after I stopped recording: https://hipdysplasia.org/infant-child/hip-healthy-swaddling/

And if you scroll down a bit, you can see an image of the koala hold, which we agreed was a good one for breastfeeding a baby in a harness: https://www.babycentre.co.uk/a8784/good-positions-for-breastfeeding

The Second Shift

The Second Shift is a podcast that seeks, ambitiously, to explore lots of different life experiences, find out the facts, and understand new perspectives. From matrescence to menopause, I'll be talking to expert speakers and people with lived experience, because stories are such a great way to understand the world. I hope you'll find something interesting in this slightly eclectic collection of conversations!