Navigating Legal Minefields: The Importance of Employment Law for Businesses artwork
Ask The Tax Attorney

Navigating Legal Minefields: The Importance of Employment Law for Businesses

  • S1E10
  • 23:39
  • August 24th 2023

On this episode of Ask The Tax Attorney, our expert guest, Alberto Naranjo, who specializes in employment law discusses the importance of caution and documentation when dealing with cases such as unfair termination, unpaid wages, and whistleblower complaints. Business owners should be careful not to rely solely on their managers to provide information about legal cases and not to err on the side of withholding overtime pay. Alberto shares his personal experience running a law firm and a family-owned bakery business in Florida. He advises businesses to seek guidance before reacting to potential red flags or making decisions that could harm their business. He also highlights the importance of diligence and caution when dealing with legal issues to avoid significant costs.

Ask The Tax Attorney

The Ask the Tax Attorney podcast is a show dedicated to helping business owners and individuals navigate the complex world of business and taxes.

Hosted by Claudia Moncarz, a tax attorney with over 20 years of experience, the podcast covers a wide range of business and tax-related topics. With a focus on providing expert advice and answering listener questions, Claudia and her guests offer practical solutions to even the most daunting problems.

The podcast is an essential resource for anyone looking to better understand their taxes and find a way forward when facing issues with the IRS. Whether you're a small business owner struggling to pay your taxes or a large corporation facing an audit, Ask the Tax Attorney has the information and expertise you need to succeed.

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Claudia Moncarz