Jennifer Krauth,  Birth Mom artwork
The Triad

Jennifer Krauth, Birth Mom

  • S2E8
  • 46:15
  • July 20th 2022

I was a divorced single parent of two and on a very downward spiral when I got pregnant from a one-night stand with a guy much younger than me that did not want to help me raise this child. I was what you would consider old in the birth mom world; I was thirty-nine when I was placed in March of 2020. I contemplated abortion but knew I couldn't go through with it. I feel like I had wisdom from age and having two older kids and I knew firsthand how hard it is to raise children, even with a partner. I knew there was no way I could add another child to my life and raise him completely on my own while working full time with no family help.

My little guy just turned one and the parents and I have a great relationship with open adoption. This has been the hardest year of my life, but I never regret my decision because I know I can always be in his life. The family is local, and I even pumped milk for the first five months and delivered it to them! The family also has an adopted daughter so that is great for my son. I have visited every few months and they have always been so welcoming to me and my kids. We have had a few bumps in the road as we only met a week before he was born but we are all in it for the long haul. I am so fortunate that my kids and I will still be able to be in Isaac's life and watch him grow up!

The Triad

On the most basic level, the “adoption triad” refers to the three parties directly involved in adoption: birth parents, adoptive parents, and adoptees. Some widen the meaning of the triad to include extended family, supporters, and the community-at-large. The Triad hosts are direct members of the triad, and their discussions tackle heavy subjects that go straight to the heart of adoption. We acknowledge, honor, and listen and offer information to our listening audience so that they can know and grow through their own journey.

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Members of the triad administer this podcast voluntarily. Our goal is to forge an opportunity for learning and empathy within adoption. If we can have an impact on the framework of adoption through the sharing of individual stories, then we have accomplished our mission.

Your partnership will allow us to continue sharing and concentrate on the obstacles that all members of the triad face.