Installing Change in an Organization's DNA with Gabriela Prado artwork
The Way Change Works

Installing Change in an Organization's DNA with Gabriela Prado

  • S1E2
  • 19:34
  • August 11th 2022

In this episode, Greg talks with Gabriela Prado, Founder of The Change Lab in Chile.

As experts in Applied Change Management, The Change Lab helps organizations quickly adapt by installing change in their DNA. 

They define themselves as a lab because they believe in the value of experimentation and learning as key aspects of fulfilling their purpose.

Gabriela discusses how she and her team brought about a significant culture shift at their client Vida Security.

Vida provides financial and asset protection insurance to over 600,000 customers nationally and internationally.

The challenge for the Change Lab team was to assist Vida with a cultural transformation that strengthened collaboration, customer focus, new practices, and compliance. 

This change initiative was undertaken to help Vida achieve their main goal of increasing profits by 50% over five years.

The Way Change Works

Welcome to The Way Change Works: the podcast from the Association of Change Management Professionals.

Our show features global leaders telling inspiring stories about creating lasting and meaningful change in organizations, communities, and lives.

These stories reflect our belief at ACMP, that beyond the technology, processes, and structures that are key elements in our profession, true change is only possible through the positive transformation of human behavior and beliefs.

Hosted by Greg Voeller.

Meet the Host

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Greg Voeller

    With nearly 30 years experience in leading global change management and employee communication programs for Fortune 500 companies, Greg has helped a number of organizations and their stakeholders successfully drive change to achieve and sustain their desired outcomes. 

    Greg is the Immediate Past President of the Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) and is a Member of the Board of Directors. He was a member of the ACMP Standards Working Group of 24 global thought leaders that developed The Standard for Change Management® for change management practitioners. 

    Greg is a Senior Director at Gagen MacDonald, a people-focused consulting firm that helps transform companies that transform the world.