Boosting Sales:The Power of Events for Wood, Lumber, and Furniture Businesses artwork
The Woodpreneur Podcast

Boosting Sales:The Power of Events for Wood, Lumber, and Furniture Businesses

  • S3E299
  • 14:38
  • October 24th 2023

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“Event planning framework is to help you get a bunch of leads and a bunch of sales and increase brand awareness about your business in a short period of time. “

-Steve Larosiliere

Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. In this episode we're diving into a valuable strategy that could transform your wood, lumber, or furniture business - the art of hosting events. I'm Steve Larosiliere, the founder of Builder Growth, where we specialize in helping wood-based businesses scale from six to seven figures. In this blog, I want to share a snippet of the training I provide to my clients on how to leverage events to grow sales and increase brand awareness. It's a powerful strategy that's worked wonders for businesses, with some raking in substantial revenue - from $15,000 to an impressive $60,000 in a single day.

Steve Larosiliere's insights provide a roadmap for your woodworking business's growth and prosperity. By following these steps, you'll be on your way to attracting and serving the right clientele, ensuring the long-term success of your business.

It's time to hear the complete story now!

“I recommend folks combined personal branding strategy, and paid ads just to start generating leads generating leads generally, even though a lot of those leads that were like, you know, when you run an ad, and there's a lot of tire kickers like those people, you need to actually get their email address, you need to you need to like get their contact info, because those people that are tire kickers now, if you keep in touch with them can end up being customers.”

-Steve Larosiliere

The Timeline for Your Event

We'll kick off with a timeline. The objective of this event planning framework is simple: gather leads, boost sales, and create brand awareness in a short period. To do this, I recommend combining personal branding strategies and paid ads. Those tire-kickers you attract through ads? They can turn into loyal customers with a bit of nurturing.

Six to Eight Weeks Out: Pick a Date and Venue

Your first step is to select a date and venue for your event. Whether you have a showroom, storefront, shop, or yard, or even if you don't, you can collaborate with existing businesses to use their space. Consider whether you want a one-day event or something spanning multiple days. Multi-day events can be especially successful, so don't rule them out.

Six to Eight Weeks Out: Gather Your Contacts

Next, gather all your contacts. Export data from your phone, QuickBooks, social platforms, and email contacts. You want to create a comprehensive invite list that includes names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Six to Eight Weeks Out: Create a Name and Theme

Still, six to eight weeks before the event, come up with a catchy name and theme. Align it with the season or consider themes like grand openings, rebrands, or new website launches. These are all excellent reasons to invite people to your event.

Four Weeks Out: Set Up on Social Media

Now, it's time to create an event on Facebook and design a flyer. Eventbrite is your best friend for registration. Make sure people RSVP; you can entice them with giveaways and collect valuable contact information. These RSVPs are your potential future customers.

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The Woodpreneur Podcast

We cover the business and marketing side of the sawmill, tree service, furniture making, Urban Wood, and woodworking industry. If you're a woodworker, sawmill owner, or any other entrepreneur and/or business owner in the wood industry, you need to check out this podcast.

Each week, we interview business owners, large-scale companies, entrepreneurs, makers, and designers while also offering marketing and business advice that will help you grow your business and increase your profits. Tune in every Thursday!

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