Nick Harvey: Bay Area Redwoods artwork
The Woodpreneur Podcast

Nick Harvey: Bay Area Redwoods

  • S1E107
  • 22:21
  • October 10th 2019

Today’s guest is Nick Harvey from Bay Area Redwoods. We met Nick at the 2019 Urban Lumber Conference and knew we needed him on the show!

Nick fell into the Woodpreneur sphere when he happened to see a pile of wood on the side of the road and stopped to check it out. The owner of the wood saw him and offered him not just the wood pile, but also a different pile of Redwoods that he had. Not knowing how to mill, Nick found a local mobile miller and had the wood milled right on his suburban home’s front lawn! Shortly thereafter, he happened to meet a board member from the “Save the Redwoods” organization who gave him a lead on what he said was "a few Redwoods". It turns out, they were giant Redwoods that were 5 ft in diameter and over 100 ft tall. With a yield of over 50,000 bd ft of wood - this was the moment that Nick says Bay Area Redwoods truly became a business. 

The Woodpreneur Podcast

We cover the business and marketing side of the sawmill, tree service, furniture making, Urban Wood, and woodworking industry. If you're a woodworker, sawmill owner, or any other entrepreneur and/or business owner in the wood industry, you need to check out this podcast.

Each week, we interview business owners, large-scale companies, entrepreneurs, makers, and designers while also offering marketing and business advice that will help you grow your business and increase your profits. Tune in every Thursday!

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