Time To Prune Yourself artwork
The 30-Minute Visit

Time To Prune Yourself

  • E4
  • 28:55
  • May 17th 2020

The human body is a workhorse and can put up with a lot. It's easy to take it for granted. As time goes on, though, it can start to run into problems unless we give it a chance to rest. One of the core practices to healthy living is fasting but it is foreign to a lot of us and sounds drastic. If you're in doubt about whether you should do it, maybe you can draw some inspiration and comfort from your garden!

The 30-Minute Visit

Dr. Victor Chan is a naturopathic doctor practicing in South Surrey - a community just outside Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. His mission is to encourage people to dream bigger about the potential for their own personal health and to lead them to reach their goals.