What's The Meaning Behind Endometriosis artwork
The Art Of Listening To Your Body

What's The Meaning Behind Endometriosis

  • E163
  • 1:00:21
  • July 4th 2024

Today I’m answering a follower question…

I had full permission to share all the ins and outs as I can be blunt, direct and sometimes it comes across a bit negative… her question is below… this masterclass invitation.

If you are listening live and want to join me for a FREE LIVE masterclass The Missing Link To Activate Healing: For those with chronic health conditions that don’t respond to conventional or alternative treatment.

You’ll learn:

💜 The root cause that even the best specialists and practitioners don’t address

💜 How and why you store emotions that show up as undesirable manifestations

💜 How to work out the underlying emotions behind your experience

💜 The fastest way to find out the message your chronic health condition has for you​

💜 The mistake that people make when it comes to emotional processing

Sign up here https://theartoflisteningtoyourbody.com/live-masterclass

I finally got a diagnosis of endo, which has actually helped me understand sooo many root causes for many of my physical issues (and some mental!) and I’m having hysterectomy, oophorectomy (as lots of benign things growing in my ovaries) and endo excision in a month 😅… and then I feel like I have a clean slate to start with… but endo is a chronic illness, and I don’t want it to grow more.

I am aware of the Estrogen growth factor, and hormones etc, and I understand the lifestyle requirements (anti inflammatory approach etc) BUT I want to know the emotions behind it all, why it might have formed in the first place, and if there’s (I’m sure there is) more deep emo work I need to process and work through to stop it coming back, and enveloping me like it currently is.

I’m hoping for an entire new freedom once I’ve healed..

From surgery, but as I say, I want to know why it grew. Im also PCOS girly - so maybe you feel inclined to do a poddy on the womb and all its issues… as my uterus is double the size it should be as well.

I know uterus is the ‘creative’ part of my body, and I’ve processed the grief of loosing it, but I’m certain I’ll be more creative once I have energy, no constant nausea, less pain, bloating, IBS and hideous fatigue!!

The Art Of Listening To Your Body

My name is Dr. Jin Ong I’m a cathartic release therapist, professionally trained as an osteopath, psychosomatic therapist, western acupuncturist and herbalist.

I’m fascinated by the mind-body connection and how your physical body is a manifestation of your emotional state.

My aim is to create awareness to the underlying emotions behind pain, injury and disease in the body as well as behvioural dysfunctions and mental imbalances. I do this using a unique blend of eastern and western philosophies and a good dose of intuition.

I love reading the body and what it's really trying to tell us through it's physical presentation, injury, pain or illness. I call it the art of listening to your body. It's all about understanding yourself and others on a deeper level.

I guide people to recognise their purpose in the world by bringing light to the issues that hold them back. I do this through an intuitive understanding of how the body speaks to us and help clients develop their emotional awareness and take actionable steps to achieve their goals.

If you want to learn to tap into your innate intuitive sense in an easy to understand way come and join me.

Pain stories are fascinating and there is so much we can learn from them. Join me as I'm joined by inspirational people who share how their life changed after their painful experience- what they had to surrender to and how their life looks now.