Meet Simon - A life in pictures artwork
Humans of The Fed

Meet Simon - A life in pictures

  • E32
  • 1:24:18
  • April 28th 2023

This week we present one of the most moving podcasts we've recorded, and so poignant coming just after Yom HaShoah.

Simon Hill HonFRPS was given his first camera at the age of four. 

In the intervening half century, his photography career has sent him around the world, allowed him to mingle with royalty, and become the president of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain.

And yet were it not for a sequence of unexpected events he would possibly not have ever returned to the UK, reconnected with the society of which he had been a member for so long and risen to its highest position. He also would have almost certainly never have heard of The Fed.

Simon's involvement with The Fed's My Voice Project opened his eyes to the experiences and testimonies of Holocaust survivors across the north of England, and the photographs he contributed to the 'Generations: Portraits of Holocaust Survivors' exhibition at the Imperial War Museum brought him into contact with those cherished and honoured Survivors which the My Voice project serves.

Part tech-heavy and part humanities-focused, Simon's conversation provides a window into the world of one of this country's most esteemed photographers, with a healthy dose of humour and self-deprecation along the way. It also offers a reminder, if it were ever needed, how honoured The Fed is to preserve the life stories of our Survivors, and how invaluable and timeless the work of the My Voice project is.

Humans of The Fed

Welcome to the Humans of the Fed podcast.

Life is 10% what happens, 90% how you react to it, and the everyday experiences of everyday people often provide some of the most fascinating and unique stories.

Humans of The Fed delivers a regular captivating conversation with some of the individuals who make up our organisation and community, weaving honesty and emotion to create an intimate experience which is both raw and inspiring.

If you're a fan of human interest, you know that you can transform a stranger into a friend just by hearing their story; join us, and get to know the Humans of The Fed.

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