Jack Vale Interview (Inventer of The Pooter) Fart Videos on Youtube!!
- S1E32
- 45:21
- August 9th 2021
Had a blast talking with Jack Vale who is an awesome man. He has a huge Youtube following for his Fart Pranks, Old Man Pranks and all the crazy stuff he does. Jack talks about his new movie coming out about Christian Recording Artist Carman, Carman passed on to be with the Lord. This episode shows a side of Jack people don't know. Jack is a genuine man who loves God and his family. Thanks for listening to this episode and all my other episodes. Please share this episode or my link to my show I would greatly appreciate it.
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Jack Vale links below:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/jackvalefilms
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackvalefilms/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackvale
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialjackvale
Roku Channel: https://channelstore.roku.com/details/1f6a254fd543e137f65ca27c02f4a33f/unvaled-network
The Pooter: https://thepooter.com/
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The Jose Show
Every episode touches on a different topic. Bringing you the latest in food, odd news, sci-fi, dumb criminals and more. I also have celebrity guests from TV and Movies to add to your listening pleasure. The Jose Show can't stick to one topic so we cover them all. Sit back, relax and enjoy the entertainment.