Alison Harper - The Social Media Consultant artwork
The KIT Podcast

Alison Harper - The Social Media Consultant

  • S5E1
  • 30:23
  • October 8th 2024

Mick chats to Alison about her new product. An online video hub to help small businesses in the murky world of Social Media.

The video's available on the video hub will give you the correct guidance so that you don't fall foul of Socail Media, something we see ADIs and PDIs doing so often.

To Subscribe to Alison's Hub click the link

All our workshops can be found here

You can subscribe to our Video Hub for a small monthly fee of £9.99 by clicking this link

A special thank you to our Sponsor Total Drive, who have sponsored the KIT Podcast since Season 2.

The KIT Podcast

The Podcast that keeps inspiring today's instructors.

After a long hiatus, we have decided to bring back the KIT Podcast.

This time though the Podcast will be hosted by both Mick and Lee individually, each hosting their own episodes.