Beecher's Beginning artwork
The Non-Binary Marriage

Beecher's Beginning

  • S1E2
  • 32:27
  • March 8th 2022

Before we can tell you about our relationship, we need to give some background information to paint the whole picture. In this episode, Beecher talks about their life before meeting April: the gender dysphoria, the church world and living in both.

Watch Beecher's short film "Book Covers" here:

If you have any questions or comments, you can email us at: [email protected]

Follow April & Beecher on social media:

TikTok: @aprilajoy @hellobeecher

Instagram: @hellobeecher @aprilajoy

The Non-Binary Marriage

How does the same married couple go from being conservative evangelical darlings to a queer couple that the church doesn't know how to handle?

When we got married, we both identified as cisgender, heterosexuals and were church leaders. We now know that one of us is non-binary (Beecher), the other is not straight (April) and we're still married, still monogamous and still Christian.

This is the story of how we went from fundamentalism to freedom and the hard road in between.

April Ajoy avatar
April Ajoy

April is a content creator who uses humor to shine light on the harmful, toxic and sometimes just weird traits of evangelicalism. She now identifies as a "recovering conservative" and is navigating through her own faith deconstruction journey through a comedic lens on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter & Facebook.

She is married to Beecher and they have two daughters.

Beecher avatar

Beecher is a non-binary filmmaker residing in Tennessee with their wife and two daughters. Having only recently come out, they are in the process of deconstructing oppressive ideologies in order to promote authenticity and a larger spiritual connection in themselves. It's a journey, but they still try have fun on the way.

They are married to April and have two daughters.