How Respect Motivates Your Husband? artwork
The RelationShop

How Respect Motivates Your Husband?

  • S2E149
  • 28:35
  • August 16th 2022

Tips are provided to help respect your husband.

Past Episodes:

Ep. 35 Whatto do when your husband won’t lead

Ep. 131 Signs of a healthy marriage


Toya: Marriage Advice For Women

My Man Bingo: Toya’s Instagram

Altared Marriage: We Help Make Your Marriage Thrive

RelationShots: Quick Videos With Relationship Tips and Advice

Merchandise: Shirts, Sweaters, Etc.

Book: The Magnetic Marriage: 8 Characteristics of Irresistible Marriages

Personality Test: DISC


To contact The RelationShop for advertisement, sponsorships, appearances, press, interviews, or relationship questions, please e-mail [email protected].


This show is produced by Kevin Offley with One Eleven Studios and Ahmad Rashad with MyProducer

The RelationShop

Get Ready to Laugh (for sure) and Learn (we hope):

The RelationShop is the fastest growing and most listened to radio show heard on Power 77 Radio. Now, we are going to be the fastest growing Podcast (said nobody).

Join the hosts: Jason "Bubbles" with his "stupendous" Top Five Lists, Toya, who tries her best to keep the show on track, and Eric "White Delight" who sometimes always say the right thing.

  • Be sure to subscribe and listen.
  • Each episode builds on top of the next episode, so start with the Pilot.
  • Fortunately, the quality of the show improves with each episode.
  • Rating and commenting helps us improve.

What is the Show About:

The RelationShop crew discuss relationships seen on reality TV (90 Day Fiancé, Married at First Sight, etc.) and throughout Pop Culture to provide good relationship advice that works.

Connect with Us:

Be sure to send in your relationship questions. We may even mention you on the show. Anonymously of course, maybe. Just kidding. Unless, you...are...okay with going public. ???

E-mail: [email protected]

About Us:

Power 77 Radio -

Altared Marriage -

The show is produced by Tim Green with Tim Foolery Productions, Kevin Offley with One Eleven Studios, and Ahmad Rashad with Power 77 Radio

Executive Producer: Ahmad Rashad