Dawna Campbell The Mind Whisperer Using Brain Waves And Meditation To Remap Thoughts To Think Differently
- 48:20
- August 3rd 2021
Dawna was an interesting guest. We go into some of my favourite topics which are meditation and brain waves and how your thoughts and thinking can change using some simple pattern interrupts. We talk about how the brain waves function and how you can use meditation to trigger these mental states which help change your thinking. We talk about her past finances and how she turned her life around by changing what she thinks.
To get in contact with Dawna you can contact her on her social media channels and website
- Website - https://dawnacampbell.com
- Instagram - https://ww.instagram.com/healingheartinc/
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/HealingHeartInc
To learn about One breath and meditation you can learn how I use breathing and meditation to access the states we were talking about.
Thinking Like A Genius Podcast
A cyber security pro with a fascination to figure out how to think. Come on the journey to figure out the funk of thunk. Learn how your brain works so you can stop being the Grumpy, Sleepy or Dopey of the 7 Dwarfs. I dive into brain health, cognitive biases, cogntive psychology, brain fog or just plain face palm fixes.