Michel Funicelli Former Mountie and Psychology Researcher Talking About Lie Detection and Brain Wave
- 58:55
- January 6th 2022
Michel Funicelli is a form Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer with extensive policing experience. He has a PhD in Experimental Psychology and we talk about his current research which is about lie detection and the fundamental weakness in polygraph technology.
He reveals a new and exciting area of work which is using neurocognitive memory detection based on brainwaves. His other area of focus is interview effectiveness and how this skill can be improved to ensure correct information is gathered during an interview.
His other areas of interest is investigative interviewing, violent extremism and psychopathy. Michel can be a reached on Linkedin for more information.
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michel-funicelli-7195361a6/
Thinking Like A Genius Podcast
A cyber security pro with a fascination to figure out how to think. Come on the journey to figure out the funk of thunk. Learn how your brain works so you can stop being the Grumpy, Sleepy or Dopey of the 7 Dwarfs. I dive into brain health, cognitive biases, cogntive psychology, brain fog or just plain face palm fixes.