Bill DeYoung on ThirtyFour-50 artwork
ThirtyFour-50's tracks

Bill DeYoung on ThirtyFour-50

  • 27:01
  • April 18th 2014

Noted Journalist and Florida native Bill DeYoung discusses and signs his book SKYWAY: THE TRUE STORY OF TAMPA'S SIGNATURE BRIDGE AND THE MAN WHO BROUGHT IT DOWN

ThirtyFour-50's tracks

Thirty Four 50 with host Joseph Dobzynski brings intriguing people down to earth and into the radio waves. Featuring national as well as international guests, Joseph style of a relaxed but impacted session has won rave reviews from interviewees. With a Chicago lounge audio style setting, the guest is right at home and might be sitting right next to you.
Take 30 minutes out of your day and listen as host Joseph Dobzynski brings people from all walks of life into your ears every week.