PUREity shame artwork
This Little Light of Mine - LGBTQ, Christianity, religious trauma, mental health

PUREity shame

  • S1E15
  • 30:23
  • October 21st 2020

In today's episode I share what it was like for me growing up in the 90’s evangelical church culture and share about one of my worst nightmares coming to life.  

And from the many stories, comments and messages that you have been sharing online through FB & IG it is very clear that this period in time wasn’t an easy, joy-filled or shame free period for so many… not matter where we may have lived on the spectrum of gender or orientation.

The 90’s evangelical purity culture was an organized strategy started by US conversative groups to convince young people that the Bible requires a severe abstinence code.

In response to the HIV/AIDS crisis of the 80’s, comprehensive sex education was being introduced to more and more schools across America.  This angered many conservative and evangelical lobbying groups like Moral Majority who kicked into high gear… and out popped a full blown (and partially federally funded) purity panic. 

Were you pure or were you shamed?

What were you taught about your sexuality while you were growing up?



This Little Light of Mine - LGBTQ, Christianity, religious trauma, mental health

This Little Light of Mine is an LGBTQ+ tale of terror (growing up as a closeted Gay Christian in the Evangelical church) that led to trauma (cPTSD, religious trauma, spiritual abuse, sexual abuse, addiction) to what I intend to become triumph.

Join me on my healing and recovery journey towards mental health, spiritual health and emotional health as I find my voice by sharing what happened in my life as a Queer Christian where I was taught that I was not allowed to love.