The shift - with Colby Martin
- S1E14
- 57:24
- October 7th 2020
Hello and welcome to Episode 14 of This Little Light Of Mine. My name is James Powell and I’m glad that you’re able to join me for today’s episode, ‘The shift’.
In today’s episode I’m joined by best-selling author, podcaster, and PROGRESSIVE pastor Colby Martin. Colby is passionate about carving out a space within Christianity that includes: a whole-heartedly affirming posture toward LGBTQ individuals, a broader acceptance of other spiritual practices and religious perspectives, an agreeableness toward science, and a commitment to always growing, transforming, and trusting that the best days are yet to come.
Colby is one of leading voices of the Progressive Christian movement, he made me cry with his vision for the church in his first book UnClobber – Rethinking our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality and introduce me to the incredible voices of Brian McLaren and Glennon Doyle. Colby will be talking about his newly released book The Shift: Surviving and Thriving after Moving from Conservative to Progressive Christianity
For those moving from a conservative to progressive sense of Christianity, Colby talks of our need to welcome doubt, welcome questioning, welcome vulnerability.
This journey is not about pretending that any human has all the answers or that any of the answers can fit neatly into one of two boxes.
I also really appreciate Colby, his story and his approach because he acknowledges (and has experienced) some of the pain, loss, anger and loneliness that the journey forward has… these feelings and all of our feelings are valid and are part of our healing process so that we can grow forward into the full expression of who we were created to be. As much as we might want to (and as much as I have tried), we can’t skip over this part.
What came up for you as you listened to this conversation with Colby? What questions did it stir inside of you? What anger might have come up? What new hope or insight might have been born?
A huge thank again to Colby Martin for joining us today and for helping set a new course of bringing more love into our world with his new book ‘The Shift’.
Thank you so much for joining us today and I look forward to connecting with you in two-weeks’ time for our next story episode called ‘PUREity shame’ where I share what it was like growing up in the 90’s evangelical church culture and share about one of my worst nightmares coming to life.
Thank you again for being with us today and before I go I want to remind you.
Your story is important. You were designed with a powerful voice. We need to hear what you have to say.
Your feelings and your experiences are valid. You have the right to feel safe and be safe.
You matter, you are needed, you are wanted, and you are loved.
This Little Light of Mine - LGBTQ, Christianity, religious trauma, mental health
This Little Light of Mine is an LGBTQ+ tale of terror (growing up as a closeted Gay Christian in the Evangelical church) that led to trauma (cPTSD, religious trauma, spiritual abuse, sexual abuse, addiction) to what I intend to become triumph.
Join me on my healing and recovery journey towards mental health, spiritual health and emotional health as I find my voice by sharing what happened in my life as a Queer Christian where I was taught that I was not allowed to love.