Ethan Mollick: what do we *actually* know about entrepreneurship? artwork
Thoughts in Between: exploring how technology collides with politics, culture and society

Ethan Mollick: what do we *actually* know about entrepreneurship?

  • S1E19
  • 1:49:33
  • August 16th 2021

Ethan Mollick is a professor of entrepreneurship at Wharton, a former founder and author of the book, The Unicorn’s Shadow. Readers of the Thoughts in Between newsletter may also recognise him as the curator of perhaps the world’s most interesting Twitter feed. I think I link to Ethan more than to anyone else. In this conversation, we dive deeply into what the academic literature tells us about entrepreneurship. It’s the first time either of us have ever met, so during the conversation, I share a little bit about our methodology for company creation at Entrepreneur First and we discuss both how it contradicts and complements the literature. We also discuss a game-like simulation of entrepreneurship that Ethan has created, which I recommend you check out.

Thanks to Cofruition for consulting on and producing the show. You can learn more about Entrepreneur First at and subscribe to my weekly newsletter at

Thoughts in Between: exploring how technology collides with politics, culture and society

Matt Clifford, co-founder of Entrepreneur First, interviews the people behind some of the world's most important ideas.

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