Rohit Krishnan and Visa Veerasamy on Talent and Ambition artwork
Thoughts in Between: exploring how technology collides with politics, culture and society

Rohit Krishnan and Visa Veerasamy on Talent and Ambition

  • S1E39
  • 2:07:01
  • February 8th 2023

Rohit Krishnan is an investor and writer; he is the author of Strange Loop Canon (he was previously on the podcast here).

Visa Veerasamy is the author of Introspect and Friendly Ambitious Nerd, among other things. In this conversation we talk about whether entrepreneurs are born or made; the role of culture in ambition; how we can make people more ambitious and much more.


Thanks to Cofruition for consulting on and producing the show. You can learn more about Entrepreneur First at and subscribe to my weekly newsletter at

Thoughts in Between: exploring how technology collides with politics, culture and society

Matt Clifford, co-founder of Entrepreneur First, interviews the people behind some of the world's most important ideas.

We explore in-depth some of the fastest-changing and most impactful areas of life, from technology to geopolitics and scientific progress to entrepreneurship. Guests include founders, investors, academics and journalists working and thinking at the frontier of these topics.

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