5 Clues to your Calling artwork
Thrive with Amber Ward

5 Clues to your Calling

  • S1E37
  • 10:11
  • April 12th 2021

Are you worried that you don't know what your calling is yet? You may have been a believer for 20 minutes, or you may have been a believer for 60 years - but if you haven't discovered your purpose or stepped into your calling yet, I'm willing to bet that you're feeling unfulfilled in life. I've had SO many people tell me that they wish they could work out what God has called them to do with their life - so I thought it might be useful for us to spend some time going through five different clues as to what your calling might be.

Thrive with Amber Ward


Meet Amber Ward

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Amber Ward

Amber loves speaking about the Kingdom of God, discipleship and finding your true identity in Jesus Christ