Comparison is NOT the thief of joy - at least not according to the bible! artwork
Thrive with Amber Ward

Comparison is NOT the thief of joy - at least not according to the bible!

  • S1E20
  • 05:32
  • March 8th 2021

If you've been comparing yourself, your life, or the results of what you've been working on with other people - and feel like you're somehow 'less than' or 'defeated' or 'not good enough' I want to remind you that in the end, as kingdom people we shouldn't be doing anything seeking the praise of humans - the only one whose opinion counts about your work, your results and your motivation is God. Don't get so busy looking sideways at what other people are up to that you lose track of what's actually important - and that is your obedience to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and your walk in accordance with your unique and individual personal calling.

Thrive with Amber Ward


Meet Amber Ward

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Amber Ward

Amber loves speaking about the Kingdom of God, discipleship and finding your true identity in Jesus Christ