How Gossip can ruin everything! artwork
Thrive with Amber Ward

How Gossip can ruin everything!

  • S1E36
  • 08:08
  • April 6th 2021

If you'd asked me three weeks ago for my opinion on gossip - I would have told you that it's something that I try to stay well away from. That if I notice a conversation has turned a corner towards gossip I'll actively try to either steer it somewhere else, or shut it down. The reason that I held such strong views is that I have seen first hand the consequences that it can have. P.S. This is the one with the story about how gossip caused me a whole heap of drama!

Thrive with Amber Ward


Meet Amber Ward

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Amber Ward

Amber loves speaking about the Kingdom of God, discipleship and finding your true identity in Jesus Christ