Through the Mind - Ep. 2 - Isolation & Depression artwork
Through the Mind, Discovering Mental Health

Through the Mind - Ep. 2 - Isolation & Depression

  • S1E2
  • 42:21
  • April 24th 2020

Suicide rates are up. Mental Health professionals are saying Depression is at an all time high. Psychiatrists are having a field day.

What is that all about?

The most immediate answer is that Isolation can cause depression. But is that what is really going on?

The answer may not be what you think…

Welcome to Through the Mind, Discovering Mental Health

Through the Mind, Discovering Mental Health

Hosted by Matson Breakey [serial entrepreneur, budding adventurer, father forever in training and hard working husband], Through the Mind is a journey of discovery - one man's adventure into discovering the Human Mind and finding natural alternatives to the destructive path he has seen within the Mental Health Industry. It is his goal to inspire, educate and help listeners succeed in the adventure of life by better understanding our human minds, our human bodies and our human spirits. #mentalhealthisnaturalhealth #bodymindspirit #youcanwin #successthroughunderstanding #themindisnotthebrain