Social Layer for Engagement and Collaboration on NFT Platforms artwork
Tokenverse by DoinGud

Social Layer for Engagement and Collaboration on NFT Platforms

  • S1E4
  • 50:15
  • June 24th 2021

In the fourth episode of Tokenverse, we are discussing the benefits of adding a social layer to NFT platforms to promote engagement and collaboration within the creator's ecosystem. Our guests today are Danielle Bellavita Gennety, Community & Governance Steward at Giveth; Grace Rebecca Rachmany, Founder of DAO Leadership & Voice of Humanity; Jack du Rose, CEO of Colony; Suji Yan, Founder and CEO of Dimension & Mask Network; and our DoinGud Founder Manu Alzuru.

Tokenverse by DoinGud

A multi-guest sessions facilitating conversation between people with different worldviews and expertise

The purpose of our podcast would be to facilitate the conversation between two worlds: humanists and technologists, community members and key figures in art and tech industries, journalists and programmers, entrepreneurs and academics, artists and art buyers