NFTs for Sport Stars and Their Fans artwork
Tokenverse by DoinGud

NFTs for Sport Stars and Their Fans

  • S1E14
  • 1:02:57
  • October 20th 2021

In this episode of Tokenverse, we are exploring the formats NFT sports memorabilia could take in the future.

Our guests in the session: Chip Scarinzi, Deputy U.S. Technology Lead at H&K Strategies; Thomas Euler, Gardener, Founder and CEO at Liquiditeam; and our DoinGud Head of Communications, Joan Riera.

Tokenverse by DoinGud

A multi-guest sessions facilitating conversation between people with different worldviews and expertise

The purpose of our podcast would be to facilitate the conversation between two worlds: humanists and technologists, community members and key figures in art and tech industries, journalists and programmers, entrepreneurs and academics, artists and art buyers