Q&A From The Audience artwork
A Tongue Lashing with Damon Pampolina

Q&A From The Audience

  • S1E9
  • 39:34
  • May 26th 2020

Damon's fans are always inquisitive. We decided to answer some of the burning questions that you asked! Did he ever go in the tunnels at Disney? Did he get a say in the songs that he sang on MMC? What song would he sing from Prince's collection? What is his favorite Vegas story? Find out the answers and more on this episode!

A Tongue Lashing with Damon Pampolina

Join Damon Pampolina on a wild trip through his mind. Damon will offer his insights into the music industry, pop culture, society, fetishes, and any of the other crazy antics he wants to talk about! Damon Pampolina is someone you absolutely want to know and listen to. If you don't know who he is, Google him and you will find out quickly! Or you can simply give the Podcast a try, because trust us, this is a tongue lashing that you want to receive!